Designer Selected Pastel Mixed Bouquet
One of our florists will choose a beautiful selection of softer flowers in pastel tones to suit the bouquet they are designing for you. Depending on what is available on the day of your order our florists may choose from wonderful flowers such as roses, oriental lillies, orchids, gerberas, carnations, gypsophila, asiatic lillies, chysanthemums and more.
Bouquets are a designed bunch of flowers that the recipient would place in a vase.
If you are wanting to discuss which varieties are in store and available for your order you are welcome to telephone and place your order over the phone.
This is a florist choice product keeping within the guidelines of the product description.
Substitution and Delivery Agreement
By proceeding with your order you are giving authority to the following;
Substitution Agreement
Please be aware that the flowers in your order will not be the same flowers as in the photo. While every effort is made to ensure the product description and colour selected will be used circumstances may arise due to seasonal availability where containers, flower colours and varieties may be substituted with that of similar suitability.
Delivery Agreement
In the event the recipient is not present at the time of delivery you give authority for your order to be left and agree to pay any further costs associated with delivery if required.